Flagger Success Stories

Our goal has always been to provide the highest level of flaggers to our clients. We understood this could only be accomplished by providing a better quality of life to our employees.

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Our Staffing Gratitude

Like you, 2020 presented many challenges to us as individuals and as a company. If nothing else, this pandemic has served as a pointed reminder of the power of teamwork, community, and above all else, being positive.

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The Value of a Staffing Agency: The Top 5 Cost Benefits

When I sat down to brainstorm the top benefits of using a staffing agency, I could only think of one that really mattered — COST SAVINGS. If a service does not make sense for a company financially, then it is highly unlikely that company will see the value in that service.

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Nailing the Employee Interview: Our Top Tips

Are we overlooking the reality that a company’s greatest asset is actually its human capital? Human capital being the collective value of a workforce’s capabilities, knowledge, skills, life experiences, and motivation. None of these attributes show up on a resume, which makes the interview so important.

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Managing Staff and Preparing for Maryland’s Return to School

Will the kids go back to school, or won’t they? It has been an important topic of conversation recently. I am not here with an opinion on which one of those is the right decision. I am, however, going to say that we need to learn from the lessons of the original stay-at-home order. It…

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Staffing, Providing the American Dream

I finally broke the news. I told my kids there will be no fireworks this fourth of July. My six-year-old son associates the holiday with fireworks, parades, barbecues, and the national pastime. Sorry pal, there won’t be any baseball this fourth either. This may be the right time to teach him the history of our…

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The Parenting Skills I Gained from My Staffing and Recruiting Family

We interrupt your weekly dose of staffing and recruiting knowledge to give you this: BABY! Everyone loves a baby. Four weeks ago, my wife and I welcomed our third child to the world, Kennedy Layne Sarant. They say that you should separate business with pleasure, but that is difficult when you love what you do,…

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When to Work with Staffing and Recruiting Agencies, and Why?

Assume that you are the manager of a company that experiences a 50% increase in market demand for its product during the summer months. How would you manage the workforce to accommodate the increased production needs? I came across this question in an economics class. Of course, my solution was to utilize a staffing agency’s…

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