What’s Your Routine?
On day one of teleworking, I woke up, took a shower, and put on my Kennedy polo. When I walked out of my bedroom, I was greeted by a slew of laughter from my family. My daughter asked me, “where are you going, daddy?” My wife chimed in, “yes, where are you going?” The truth was, I wasn’t going anywhere, physically. I did these things to prepare myself for the mental place I was going; work.

Humans are creatures of habit. We create routines and processes to accomplish goals. We program ourselves to get us to where we want to go, and teleworking should be no different. So as I continued to prepare for work that day, I grabbed my coffee (in a travel mug, of course), kissed my children goodbye, and walked ten feet into my office.
My morning commute typically consists of me listening to some loud music to wake myself up during the 90-minute drive. Without a commute, I am able to start earlier, but I still need something to get me going. Each morning of teleworking, I fire up my computers and put on 1st Wave (80’s classic alternative) of SiriusXM’s streaming site.
In my opinion, the most critical piece of efficient teleworking is setting up a proper office space. If your office is your couch, your goal might as well be to become a couch potato. I strive for something greater, and if you are reading this, I imagine you do too. I happen to have the same desk (purchased from Ikea) that we have at the office. The desk paints the illusion that I am at the Kennedy offices in the heart of Baltimore City.
Last week we did a mental health check-in for everyone and discussed how we are adapting to the new work world. I was happy to hear back from some of you to see how you were making it work. Everyone seems to be safe and in a good mindset. Your routine does not have to look like mine, but it should resemble your routine before the pandemic. This routine is the way we prepare for success.
A concept in The Success Principles by Jack Canfield revolves around becoming what we imagine ourselves to be. Canfield suggests a way to accomplish this is by surrounding ourselves with pictures of people we strive to resemble. So here is a picture of my workspace. As you can see, I have a few of the tech titans that have cultivated our ability to telework effectively, and a signed picture of Captain America. Who doesn’t want to be worthy of harnessing the power of Mjolnir?

The Success Principles can be applied in several areas, including playing the part. That is why I put on my Kennedy polo day one. It’s been a few weeks now, but don’t give up. I’ve dressed the part every day since. Teleworking should not change our approach to work; it should be an extension of the way we conduct business. Success is about preparation. Are you preparing to telework in the same manner you prepare to conquer the “typical” business world?
Matt Sarant is a proud member of the Kennedy Services family. Kennedy Services is one of Maryland’s oldest independent, woman-owned staffing services, located in the heart of Baltimore City. We appreciate our employees and clients working in essential positions, and remain open to continue to serve our community.